Pages of A Chaotic Blog

19 April 2011

Brain Sludge and Worries

I just had surgery on my sinuses yesterday. This is the 2nd time they have had to go in. I hear the words "polyps" and "fungus" and "tarry" thrown around and I begin to worry. Is this going to be something that happens every 4-5 years? Will this turn into cancer? Will I ever get away from sinus problems?!

I am hoping that the first 2 are No and the last is YES! Here is hoping!

On another note, my Darling Hubby is going to create a BLOG! YAY! He will start one  so he can begin his writing. Im very excited about it and hope that it works well for him.

Well even though they cleared out some brain sludge, it would seem my brain is still sludgy... Im going to bed. Good night! Sleep tight! Dont let the brain bugs bite!!