Well as they always say ... "There's A First Time For Everything."... this is my first time for bloggin'. I can honestly say it is intimidating and yet easy once you start. How to get the words that are always running around my brain, SCREAMING to get out, on to the screen without it looking like my 4 year old wrote it.... well that's going to be a challenge. My mind has many things that I want to say, yet when I say them sometimes they come out more like " UGH, Me type", instead of Shakespeare or Dickens. Perhaps with a bit of luck and a WHOLE lot of practice I can learn to express myself and have fun with it. Learn some new tricks and such. So now I can rant and rave like the rest of the world bloggers and feel right at home. As with other "first times" this one didnt hurt as bad as I was expecting.

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