That sums up the idea of Life, doesn’t it? As I sit here and listen to soothing Christmas songs (I find them very relaxing), I begin to wonder about everything. I’m sure everyone has done it at some point. The “Why am I here?" or the “How can I make our family happier and less messy?" or "Why am I Blogging?" questions. I started to Blog because I thought that if I say I’m going to do something, then the internet community would help me stick to it, as well as learn how to create web sites and write html better. I am very ashamed to say that I haven’t stuck to the couple of things I have said I would. I want to fix that. I want to fix a lot of things in my life, and I know I can. I know that Life is always "Under Construction". From graduating High School to joining the Army to having a family, Life always changes. My family is a constant chaotic change after another. I read many Blogs and I am truly amazed at how these moms and dads just keep on going, and they have the ability to share it with us. To show us that we are not alone. I thank you all so much for that. I realize now that I do not have to come up with witty posts or a ton of pictures to share my life. I want to, but one baby step at a time. To find out that I'm not the only mom with a teenage daughter that drives her INSANE, is wonderful news!
My plan is use some of my self help books and post the ideas and/or the outcomes of using them. We have a "WOW" wall that holds our chores, and I want to show ya'll how it works. Perhaps I can give ideas and help to other families, just as I have gotten idea and help from ya'll.
In closing, my fellow Bloggy Families, bear with me as I attempt to create a less Chaotic Blog and deal with the Chaotic Blessings of Life (hmmm... that sounds like a Post title).
So to those that are always "Under Construction"....
.... Good Luck and God Bless!