My first hill is about to be taken in my battle for organization. First let me explain the pictures. Ignore the date mark... IT'S WRONG! I just took the pics today. The reasons for the piles of books? We just got rid of 2 bookshelves and these are the refugees looking for a home. My goal is to re-org the entire bookshelf sysem, go through the large box of paperwork (the pic with Raggedy Ann), get rid of the changing table/cupboard with my "job" stuffed in it. Re-org my "job". I am an Dove Chocolate Party Discoveries Independent Consultant. And I need to get my gear in order. Thankfully I have a week to do this. There will be crying, screaming, temper-tantrums.... but I will pull myself up and continue. Are you curious how to join in the Operation Organization? Check out the link. Good Luck!
28 August 2009
Operation Organization - My First Battle
27 August 2009
Proud Mama
I just wanted to share a piece of work from my Turkey. She had to write a peom for english and had a list of starter words for each sentence. Example:
I am
I wonder
I see....
and this is what my sweet girl came up with. You have to read the entire thing or you wont get the poem. I am truly blessed with such smart and gifted girls.
I truly just love this poem. It says so much! I hope that you have enjoyed it as well, and perhaps, take a little with you.
I am
I wonder
I see....
and this is what my sweet girl came up with. You have to read the entire thing or you wont get the poem. I am truly blessed with such smart and gifted girls.
I Am......
I am lonely and tired
I wonder why we are living
I hear angry yelling
I see kids fighting
I want happiness for all
I am kind and nice
I pretend there is JOY in the air
I feel pain, but want less
I touch others to tell my story
I cry for the hurt ones
I am devoted and confused
I understand nothing of life
I say "many wrongs do not make a right"
I dream of a better world
I try to overcome each bump in the road
I hope I can succeed in my act of the better
I am a girl who must do what's right.
I truly just love this poem. It says so much! I hope that you have enjoyed it as well, and perhaps, take a little with you.
26 August 2009
What's For Lunch?!
I decided my children needed to try new things! Therefore I gave them some ......
Yummy Frogs!
Bug Blood and Guts! (To dip the frogs in of course)
My First VGNO!
I am very excited to say this is my first time doing this. I really hope I have done it right! I plan to try the drink and just kick beck and relax. Dont forget to check out the site and comment!
"The Name Game"
Use the first letter of your name to answer the questions. Your answers need to be real places, names and things. Nothing made up :-> (You cannot use your name for #3 boy/girl "name" question.)
1. What is your name: Nolana
2. A 4 Letter Word: Neck
3. A Boys Name: Nicholas
4. A Girls Name: Norma Jean
5. An Occupation: Nuclear Engineer
6. A Color: Neon Orange
7. Something you wear: Necktie
8. A Beverage:Napalm-Death (Alcoholic Drink)
9. A Food: Nectarine
10. Something found in the bathroom: Napkins
11. A place: Napal
12. A Reason for being late: No Gas
13. Something you shout: Ni!
OK. It's your turn! I can't wait to see what you come up with.
"The Name Game"
Use the first letter of your name to answer the questions. Your answers need to be real places, names and things. Nothing made up :-> (You cannot use your name for #3 boy/girl "name" question.)
1. What is your name: Nolana
2. A 4 Letter Word: Neck
3. A Boys Name: Nicholas
4. A Girls Name: Norma Jean
5. An Occupation: Nuclear Engineer
6. A Color: Neon Orange
7. Something you wear: Necktie
8. A Beverage:Napalm-Death (Alcoholic Drink)
9. A Food: Nectarine
10. Something found in the bathroom: Napkins
11. A place: Napal
12. A Reason for being late: No Gas
13. Something you shout: Ni!
OK. It's your turn! I can't wait to see what you come up with.
25 August 2009
School Daze!

Well school has started here in Hippo Town!
Actually it started on Monday,but due to the craziness and constant going and of course my hubby's and I's date night, I didnt write... "Bad Lama... ". The girls woke up great yesterday, had a very yummy Breakfast Egg Casserole that we made the night before. We also made them their lunches. On Mondays it is "Munchie Mondays", so I made a lunchable type of meal with cookie cutter shape meat and cheese (tiny), celery and carrots ( the child with braces got tiny pieces of carrot), grapes and 1/4 banana, tiny crackers, and a couple of small chocolate eggs. They loved it and had fun showing their friends. Even our 14 year old. Thy came home thourghly pooped and just kinda hung out till my parents sent them to bed. They each had a great day, in a way. Our 2 elementary kiddos loved it! Had a blast! Our poor Middle schooler got to sit around and wait since the middle school didnt have schedules till mid-day. Not one of their best ideas. But then i am having issues with the Middle school. Our high schooler was lost... yup, she was in a state of lost and was pretty frustrated about it. Couldnt even find her locker or where the buses were. Thankfully she saw many of her old friends and has a few classes with them.

Today started out fairly well. Darling Hubby stayed up all night to make the Turkey Sloppy Joes for the kiddos lunches... dont worry Im not a slave driver, he works night shift. Breakfast was tiny blueberry muffins and a Breakfast smootie. Ok, the smoothie didnt go over as well as I wanted. 1 child out of 4 like it. In fact my 14 yr old announced, " Mom, this is the nastiest drink ever!". Pfft.. kids.... Off they went to school, and down mommy went for a nap! Ahhhh.... Well, 3 of the girls have gotten home and have raved about the Sloppy Joes! Now it is time to fill out the TON of paperwork the schools like to send home. I have 12 pages to fill out just for 1 child. Yikes! Thats 48 pages for all 4 girls! You would think that they would have it on word doc to download and fill out. Save a whole lot of paper (and my fingers)!!

Today started out fairly well. Darling Hubby stayed up all night to make the Turkey Sloppy Joes for the kiddos lunches... dont worry Im not a slave driver, he works night shift. Breakfast was tiny blueberry muffins and a Breakfast smootie. Ok, the smoothie didnt go over as well as I wanted. 1 child out of 4 like it. In fact my 14 yr old announced, " Mom, this is the nastiest drink ever!". Pfft.. kids.... Off they went to school, and down mommy went for a nap! Ahhhh.... Well, 3 of the girls have gotten home and have raved about the Sloppy Joes! Now it is time to fill out the TON of paperwork the schools like to send home. I have 12 pages to fill out just for 1 child. Yikes! Thats 48 pages for all 4 girls! You would think that they would have it on word doc to download and fill out. Save a whole lot of paper (and my fingers)!!
And On That Note....
I look forward to this year, we seem to be fairly organized (so far), and waking up good. Their schedules are good and their teachers are nice. I keep my fingers crossed and daily prayers said! Onward to the next day!!
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