17 June 2009
Are You Sure Life Isn't A Semi-Truck?
Wow! Just when you think you are getting life somewhat organized....BOOM! You get ran over! Well, My diet has been nudged off the road for a little bit. I have been working on controling how much I eat. It is really hard since I am ALWAYS HUNGRY!! I am focused on cleaning, Purging and Organizing my house. It is going to be a tough trek. I am a pack rat... not as bad as my mom and dad, but I am still one. This summer my goal is to clean,purge and organize the entire house....even the garage. So that is why my diet has been nudged, not completely rammed off the road, just nudged. I am going to work on creating lists of what I can and Cannot eat, even put them here. Untill the 'morrow! Good night and sleep tight! Hope the Semi-Trucks of Life dont run you over anytime soon!!
10 June 2009
Blogging My Weigh Through Fat.... My Journey using the T-Factor Diet
I have decided that since it is the summer, that I have had enough of covering myself. I have hid my body for over 20 years.
I want to blog my way through this, perhaps this way I will stick with it. I am so tired of dieting, but I know that if I want to see my children grow-up and see my great-grandkids, that I have to lose this weight. Wish me luck and please be tolerant of a new "Blogger". So Let's Begin......

Hello, My name is Nolana. On June 10, 2009, I weigh in at 315lbs. My goal is to lose 130lbs, getting myself to a heathly 185lbs.
I will be using the T-Factor Diet. It is a neat diet and has worked in the past. Through this next year, I will post the Joys, Struggles, and everything inbetween. For those that might actually read this, please leave a comment. Hopefully I will post each day of what I can eat, or have eaten or whats eating me. haha. I can't wait to see how this pans through!!
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